Warrior Cats Roleplay - A New Era
Warrior Cats Roleplay - A New Era

The four main clans are gone, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan and RiverClan, but their history is not forgotten. Groups of cats with clan blood and ancestors have gathered together to recreate the clans. The new clans are called MeadowClan, LakeClan, MountainClan and OakClan. Will you help the rebirth of the clans? Sign up today! c:

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Warrior Cats Roleplay - A New Era
Warrior Cats Roleplay - A New Era

The four main clans are gone, ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan and RiverClan, but their history is not forgotten. Groups of cats with clan blood and ancestors have gathered together to recreate the clans. The new clans are called MeadowClan, LakeClan, MountainClan and OakClan. Will you help the rebirth of the clans? Sign up today! c:

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Warrior Cats Roleplay - A New Era
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Warrior Cats Roleplay - A New Era

○●○●Warrior Cats roleplay based on the bestselling books by Erin Hunter. Set in a different time to the original clans. ●○●○
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» Sparkwhisker of Meadowclan
Kit-Mother Cavern EmptySun Dec 28, 2014 6:29 am by Sparky

» Smokepaw of OakClan
Kit-Mother Cavern EmptyFri Dec 05, 2014 2:38 pm by Smokepaw

» Smokepaw of OakClan
Kit-Mother Cavern EmptyFri Dec 05, 2014 2:37 pm by Smokepaw

» FallenFur Of MountainClan
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» Petaldrop of Oakclan
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» Some newcomer questions :)
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» Mosskit Of Lakeclan
Kit-Mother Cavern EmptySun Dec 15, 2013 5:27 am by OrchardStar

June 2024
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 Kit-Mother Cavern

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Posts : 10
Join date : 2013-08-09
Age : 26

Kit-Mother Cavern Empty
PostSubject: Kit-Mother Cavern   Kit-Mother Cavern EmptySat Aug 17, 2013 8:10 am

Kit-Mother Cavern

Kit-Mother Cavern Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSvqIpXl77QNXnHHT9lsQZF-s5wvtv4g3A51iisxXyr1dL7v6pIuQ

The Kit-Mother Cavern is located directly across the To-Be Cavern. This caverns entrance is lined with large boulders protecting the cavern . The cavern also has lining moss on all sides. This cavern is where Kit-Mothers and their kits rest,live,play, and are welcomed into the tribe. This Cavern is highly protected as kits are the promise of a Tribes future.
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Kit-Mother Cavern
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